Monday, September 10, 2007

Summer is gone, time for fall fun!

Mary, Ken and David. This is such a nice shot of them all at Marys church anniversary party. the kids had a blast with a magician, games and tons of free food too! Thanks for the invite.

I just love FALL! its cool, fun and there are so many great snuggly sweatshirts to wear too! Here are a couple pics from this weekend. Hope you love them too

GUESS WHO LOVES HORSES? Even ponies and this was so much fun. Madison is enjoying her rides and wants to be a vet. It was hard on a little pony as you can see she has grown a ton and is ready for a BIG horsy ride. FUN though, as the company PONY PALS is the same company as Maias 3rd birthday party! can you believe that was 15 years ago? She will be 18 next week

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