Monday, April 27, 2009

A cute email

Adam sent this to our fave online skateboarder Rob Dyrdek, and he is hoping to get a reply...isnt it cute?

Rob, if you're actually reading this, then it worked. My name is Adam Brisse, I am 12, I live in Minnesota, and I skate.Your Wild Grinders are insane! There's so much little detail it's insane man! My question is why make them in China? Isn't that just like destroying our economy more? I love wild grinders though, I have Emo Crys, Jay Jay, and Jackknife.All three are insane! I couldn't even get any of the other ones! They are sold out! I have a couple suggestions though. First, you should make Jay Jay and Jackknife's hats real, they would sell so fast! Also have you ever considered having Rodney Mullen on your show? My last one is kind of a challenge more than a suggestion. Do you think it's possible to christ air invert? That would mean a lot to me, being a kid to broke too buy a new deck, to have a pro skater do a move that I have been thinking about, wondering if it was possible for days.So, thanks for reading this, you know if you did,before throwing it away.

One of your huge fans,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sharing Easter Photos with you

My Nephew Johnny, oops I think he is going by John now. He is a big kid now!!!
TOTALLY into their haul from the egg hunt...Adam and Maddie really scored here!
Adam, as always very into his Easter Candy. Boy do I have photos of him when little!
Gpa Ken Brisse, David, David my bro, my Daddy Gpa John

My nephew John, and his big sister Erika. Arent they cute???
Sara snuck away to see what was in her basket:)
Ok, left to right, back first is Maia, Erika, Sara, Mike, Adam and the front row is John, Gma Ginny, Gpa John, and Maddie.
Just the kiddies here. We always line them up in front of the fireplace left to right, oldest to youngest. Maia 19, Erika 17, Sara 17, Mike 15, Adam 12, Maddie 10, John 8

My beautiful girlies. Sara, Maddie and Maia
Maia, me and Sara
My bro David, and me
Mike and Mom
Sara and Mom
Sweet sisters. Madison and Sara Lynn
Maddie and Maia goofin around
Grandma Ginny, my mom.

Madison and Maia.