Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to music in the house

Ok the kiddies got their instruments out the other day to practice for the first time this year. WHY is there a big smile on Matts face? Read the folder that Adam is says summer band packet. Seriously, this was a couple days before school started and he just found the folder. Adam, Adam, what are we to do with you kid?

Matt played Trumpet before and the notes started easily for him. He remembered more than he thought he would. I cant wait for the first band concert!!!
Maddie is excited to play in band this year for the first time. She picked out the clarinet, and is so happy to toot on that thing all day long. I bet she will be amazing in no time. I think she is following in Saras footsteps, as practicing will help her improve and they are both go getters. Sara SKYPED the other night, and all the kids got out their instruments to play for her. It was SO LOUD!!! :) They are such talented kiddies though. All of them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School 2009

I just cannot believe that Mike is already a Junior and will be a grown up too soon. He is 16, loves driving and cant wait to finish high school. Can somebody please find the kid a job? :)
Madison, Matt and Adam are headed for Jackson Middle School...their bus runs about 45 minutes after Mikes, so that means that much time for three of them to hit the bathroom, showers, breakfast and get out the door. They did great for the first day, and the schedule was posted last night as to who goes where when. WHEW! They all have maps for their 7 classes, color coded, with the schedules on the back. Jackson is a HUGE school, so this made them feel much better after we did this. No hugs anymore, they are big kids now.

Maddie is in 6th grade at Jackson, and is excited to go to the same school with Adam and Matt. No kindergarten kids on a middle school bus, this is big kid school.

Adam has done this before, as Jackson was his school last year. He helped a lot walking the other two around this summer, and letting them know that even a big school can have a small school feel. I just know they will all do super this year! Adam is in 7th grade and is 12 this fall.

Matt is excited to get started and already knows a bunch of kids in his classes. He compared schedules with the neighborhood kids and has the first two classes with Adam and Josh too. Matt is 12 and in 7th grade this fall as well. He is pretty happy that he starts shop class.
Can you believe its only been two weeks since their back to school haircuts???
With a quick wave and a bye Mom, they were off down the road. It was so cute how they all walked and talked, without looking back. They will be just fine!

Still no looking back, now that is a good sign:)

Bye kiddies!!! Have a great first day at school.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sara goes to college

So here she is. Our College girl, taking off for Morris, MN just a week and a half ago. WOW time flies. Of course we had to take a famous photo of her on the front steps since she wont be at home with the other kiddies when the first day of school rolls around.
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