Thursday, May 21, 2009

You are INVITED! Here is the wonderful invite made just for Saras grad party, coming in just two weeks. I cant believe how she has grown up so fast. She is a true blessing and wonderful part of our family. CONGRATS SARA!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A new photo

I had to share this photo. Yesterday Bonnies sister Mel lost her hubby Al. We all gathered at her house and I just had to get a shot of my sister, brother Bonnie and me. Here we all are.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saras Amazing prom photos

Sharing our lovely daughters photos from prom today. I took them bunch of them at home in our backyard. I just love her versatility in posing for me. Gosh if I could do this for a living huh? So here she is, our amazing Sara all dressed up for the Senior Prom! CLICK HERE